Ballymena Today guide : Starting Your New School

It’s back to school time in Ballymena! Summer holidays are almost gone, leaving you closer to starting school again. For in a couple of weeks, some people (including me) are going to start a completely different school. So here are some tips that I got from my older siblings (already in secondary school) and primary school teachers about how to make a good start at your new school, even if none of your old friends from primary school are going there.

Making friends

If you’re worried about making new friends, the main thing to remember is that everyone will be in the same boat. They might not look it, but even the most confident people will be feeling just like you on that first day at school, so don’t feel shy or scared. Just be confident in talking to people, and find people that you have things in common with. Those people are easiest to make friends with! You also may want to consider joining a club!

New timetables and routines

On your first day of school you will receive a timetable from one of your teachers showing all your classes on it. It will say what day (Mon – Fri) you have which subjects. So don’t be afraid between classes to check out your timetable to see where to go next. If you are well and truly stuck and you don’t even know where a classroom is, you can ask someone who looks trustworthy. It might even help you find a new friend, just by talking to them! But if you are feeling unsure about who to ask, then ask a school prefect, because they are there to help you.


As you have probably guessed when you get to secondary school the homework dramatically increases. Also, unlike primary school, you don’t just get one homework per night – you get lots homework every day for different classes. So, for example, you might get Maths, English and Art homework on a Monday, but the Maths homework may not be due until Wednesday, the English homework until Thursday, and the Art homework until the following Monday. My advice is that whatever homework you get that day, do it that very night, or as much as you can do of it. This is why it is very important to have a homework diary, which you will also get on your first day of school. Write what homework you have in it as soon as you find out – or whenever you are allowed to – and you will keep on top on what homework you have to do. Just remember to try your best while doing them, even if they are really hard.

So, with all this in mind – good luck with your new school!

Thanks to Rachel for researching and sharing this Back to School advice with Ballymena Today. Be sure to share this with any of your friends or family who are going to big school this year!

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