Ballymena Today loves Streetstyle

Streetstyle is a branch of fashion photography which evolved as bloggers and fashion fans started taking their own pictures and posting them for their own audience. Fashion no longer relies upon magazines and catwalks to get a trend spotted – bloggers have been styling themselves and snapping fashion photographs for the past few years opening up a whole new type of fashion inspiration.

Here are some of my favourite Streetstyle photographs from 2014.

Streetstyle blogs are brilliant to follow because they showcase people of all ages, races, shapes and sizes and they also offer some wonderful fashion inspiration. Often bloggers are gifted with expensive designer items in order to dress it with soemthing from their existing wardrobe and feature it online but there are still some great bloggers who feature affordable clothes and a normal lifestyle.

One of the most famous Streetstyle websites is The Sartorialist and I also love Easy Fashion and Trendycrew. If you are looking for some free fashion inspiration for 2015 then tae a look and see what you think!

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