A Ballymena that shares on the web

We have a bold & adventurous vision of a Ballymena that shares on the web.

Social media is all about sharing content. It’s not about our egos and how many Likes, Shares or Re-tweets we get.

When we share each others content on social media we expand our reach and the reach of those we are sharing… the extreme scenario would be if your content goes ‘viral.’ We all know what that means but, you need to take smaller steps to begin with.

If you are following other local businesses, sharing their content increases their audience, brand and products. Ask them to do the same for you.

Converting your audience to sales is hard to pin down but if you are sharing good content, sharing the content others post, building a following and engaging with them, then you are capturing people in a potential sales funnel. If people keep coming back to you online they are more likely to convert into being a paying customer.

A Ballymena that shares on the web

Here are three quick tips that we have mentioned before…

Be positive.

The traditional news can handle the negativity all by itself. Stick with the good stuff, make people smile.

Ask people to share.

We’ve already said this but be bolder, ask others to help you share your content.

Use pictures.

People love good pictures. Post pictures of your business at work doing it’s normal day-to-day activity. Pictures are compelling, take this more seriously.

There are people who are doing this well in Ballymena which is great news but we want more. We believe the knock-on effect can be huge for everyone.

Afraid? Not sure where to start? Don’t think you have the time? Get in touch with us… we can help.

Next time I write about social media we will show you some examples of businesses who have grown big audiences and seen great results using the above methods…

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