Insanity Ballymena recommend the Bread Shed

Ballymena sandwich bar the Bread Shed has gotten the approval of Insanity Ballymena. For those who haven’t tried it yet INSANITY ® is a 60 day, home workout DVD program. In Ballymena groups meet to encourage each other through the gruelling workouts.

The Bread Shed has recently reported on their Facebook Page that their sandwich bar is a healthy lunch option. They say;

Very happy that we have been recommended by Insanity Ballymena as a source of wholesome food for their members. As a result we have introduced wholemeal wraps to our already extensive list of fresh foods. (Source)

The Bread Shed boast a large menu consisting of freshly sourced local produce and you can watch your creation being prepared in front of your eyes. That way you see exactly what is going into your lunch – no hidden calories in sauces, mayo etc – you only get what you ask for.

Also the Bread Shed know that many of us work over our lunch times or want to make the most of our free time so they allow you to phone ahead and order. Order exactly what you want and then pay when you pick it up. Quick and easy, the Bread Shed is conveniently situated in Harryville with a carpark close by. Next time you need a healthy lunch head to the Bread Shed in Harryville, Ballymena.

ballymenabread shedharryvillehealth lunchinsanity ballymena
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