Google is now Alphabet

The name Google is now synonymous with search on the Internet.

We don’t ‘use’ Google, we just Google!

In the past week Sergey and Larry announced that Google is now Alphabet.
[See their post here]

What is Alphabet? Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies. The largest of which, of course, is Google. This newer Google is a bit slimmed down, with the companies that are pretty far afield of our main Internet products contained in Alphabet instead.

This development won’t change how you and I use Google to search the Internet. Google won’t look any different on the surface at all I imagine.

They are a huge massive sprawling entity. Companies can only dream of reaching the kind of dominance they have soared to in recent times but, despite the gap between them and everyone else what can we learn from this evolution?

  • Business size shouldn’t affect your ability to make brave changes
  • Be ambitious
  • Think long-term
  • Empower your staff and allow them to flourish
  • Invest in new opportunities where possible
  • Tell others what your are doing, be social, transparent
  • Focus, make your business better

These points are also key to the excitement that Sergey and Larry have about Alphabet, they say that in the announcement blog post here.

What about you

Of course, you might not have to separate elements of your business and change or add a new name… maybe you do… probably not though.

Being brave, ambitious, thinking long-term, empowering others, investing, sharing your story and striving for better in your business.

This stuff gets forgotten in the hustle and bustle of small business but no matter what’s going on around you in your small town, you can do this stuff, scaled to suit your business size.

Don’t be reactionary and make changes when it’s desperate and therefore risky. Google can afford to make changes whenever they like which is a privilege but, what can you afford to change right now?

Being brave, ambitious, thinking long-term, empowering others, investing [time], sharing your story and striving for better in your business.

These things are free.

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Get in touch with us, we can help.

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