Sip a coffee related app

We love it when we see an app idea that is functional, useful and looks great. Too many apps don’t do any of these things and fall flat on their face.

I’ve been Beta testing a new coffee-related app for a few days now and thought I’d share the original post we wrote on Coffee NI here with you on Ballymena Today.

In the past 18 months we have been told by quite a few people that we should build an app. A coffee related app…

Our question is always along the lines of; ‘And what would that app do?’

Put simply, we think Northern Ireland is too small for some of the coffee ideas we have had, we’ve been offered and that we’ve watched birthed by other people. There aren’t enough speciality coffee shops here yet for starters and to create an exclusively Northern Ireland coffee related app that focussed on speciality coffee, would yield a tiny amount of information for the user.

The London Coffee Guide app is a great example of how to do it. If you find yourself in London, check it out for coffee advice. London has a lot of coffee locations though!

But what about a coffee related app that looks at an even bigger picture? A bigger map, not just one city, or Northern Ireland & Ireland.

Could Sip be that app? We noticed it in the last couple of days and really like the potential…

With Sip, you can visit a new city with confidence. Roam around the city, be adventurous, and step into a beautiful one-of-a-kind craft coffee shop every time. Never waste time in a nation-wide chain again. Ever. Why? Because we love you. Look up shops nearby, or begin your search ahead of time using our advance search and filtering system. Looking for a shop that serves a pour over with gluten-free vegan food? No problem! With Sip, you’re able to customize your search filters and turn on those that only apply to your needs at that very moment. Now you won’t have to second guess, or gamble your coffee adventures. Because no one wants to gamble with someone who hasn’t had their coffee yet. So don’t be that guy or gal who awkwardly walks out the door empty-handed because they didn’t have what you were looking for.

But here’s a tiny part we think is great. It’s going to be interesting to see how this develops if the app starts to receive a high volume of submissions. We like the dedication to quality in the following statement.

Our database contains only third wave coffee shops. If you don’t think a shop is third wave, just let us know.

You can sign up to receive updates on Sip or follow them on the usual social media locations.

We have looked at lots of coffee related apps over the last few years, often with an initial excitement that subsides pretty quick. An app like the Acaia one that compliments their scales is an entirely different thing because of the uniqueness to their specific product.

Whether Sip will offer something different with their user-generated content remains to be seen but, we can’t wait to see the app live and working now that we’ve had a glimpse of their intentions.


Well, we can confirm that so far this app looks great and has huge potential. To be able to quickly check a city for great coffee destinations seems like no big deal right? Well, to get speciality coffee in most cities requires a little research ahead of your visit so for folks who travel often we think this is a superb resource.

Stay tuned for news of the official launch of this great app for coffee lovers. Ballymena Today loves it.

appcoffeespeciality coffeetechnology
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