MCC Computers Internet Security

MCC Computers Internet Security Centre tell us they have been getting busier recently, and we’ve all heard the news stories, read comments on social media and so on where people have been scammed, had their Facebook page hacked, opened an email only to realise it was from an unscrupulous source, etc, so it’s probably no surprise that they’re busy. The internet is brilliant but it can bring it’s fair share of worry if you happen to be the unlucky one who realises that something’s not quite right with the way your computer is behaving. We can’t do much about it when it’s someone else’s responsibility to keep our details secure but when it comes to our own computers, tablets and phones there is lots we can do to protect our equipment, but we’ll generally not be able to do that ourselves.

That’s where local Galgorm based MCC Computers can help. Probably most of us know someone who has had a bit of an internet scare so we called with these guys to see how they can help bring some peace of mind. They have been in the computer business for many years and are well aware of the many threats and scams which are around. That’s why for MCC Computers internet security is something they take seriously and their Internet Security Centre is now a place where you call in to and bring your internet security queries, issues, problems….and computers! to have them checked.

MCC Computers Internet Security Centre can help bring peace of mind.

At MCC Computers Internet Security Centre in the Business Centre, Fenaghy Rd, Galgorm, they have been able to bring peace of mind to many clients who have left computers in to be ‘cleaned up’ over the years. When we spoke to MCC they said, “Many times the issue isn’t as serious as the customer thought it was, but we realise that concerns about having your computer’s internet security breached can be a scary thing! We’ve seen it too many times…first hand. We would encourage anyone to call with us if you have any concerns about it at all. Our team can run some computer health checks or a clean up if necessary, and probably more important than anything else, we can ensure you have adequate internet security installed on your device. But whatever you do, don’t be worrying about what might or might not have happened to your computer, call in and see us! There’s always a cup of coffee available at MCC, there’s experienced engineers to check over your device and our aim is to ensure you leave us with peace of mind and your device working as it should.” The guys at MCC Computers have just recently written a blog on their own site to emphasise the importance they place as a business on helping people with their internet security and trying to alleviate the stress which a bad internet experience can bring. Check it here.

For MCC Computers internet security is a crucial part of the service they offer. If you’re having issues with your computer and would like it checked over or you want to be sure you have good enough antivirus protection installed and so on, then you’ll find them in Ballymena Business Centre, Fenaghy Rd, Galgorm, where there’s loads of free parking. If you want to call them first, their number is 028 2563 8888.

MCC also provide many other personal and business services including computer repairs, brand management and digital media solutions. You can check out all the services they can provide here.

antivirusballymena business centrecomputer health checkinternet securitymcc computersmcc computers ballymena internet security
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