Dog weight loss – Ballymena

Grove Vets in Ballymena have dedicated Dog weight loss plans to help your pet stay healthy. At Grove Vets you can visit the free nurses clinic in order to have your pet checked over and talk through a new exercise and feeding plan to get your pet back into tip top condition.

Dog weight loss – Ballymena

Grove Vets say:

What you pet eats can effect it in many different ways. Obviously if an animal is being overfed they are likely to be overweight but good food can improve your pets overall health, and even the look of their coat. Being overweight will have a knock on effect and your pet may find it difficult to do your normal walking route or find it hard to jump from one place to another.
Grove Vets can give you professional advice about a diet plan, and exercise plan which can help you pet to lose weight. If you pet already has health problems and has trouble walking or exercising in the conventional manner then Grove Vets can offer a solution in the form of the Hydrotherapy pool. The water supports your pet as they move allowing them to exercise without putting weight on sore legs, joints and knees.

One thing which can cause dogs to gain weight is excessive ‘treats’. Treats are small dogs biscuits which are a reward for when you dog behaves well. They are especially important to use while training your dog and once you dog is behaving it can be difficult to wean your pet off them. Here is video from the Dogs Trust which talks about how to cut down the amount of treats you are giving your dog while training.

The Dogs Trust have an extensive library of Training videos which are free to access here.

Grove Vets have mentioned their Pet Hydrotherapy pool above. This is an excellent way to help dogs who are finding moving difficult. Head over the Grove Vets website to find out more about the free Pet Weight watchers clinic. Click here to read about the Hydrotherapy Pool at Grove Vets and call 028-25656023 to make an appointment.

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