Donal Skehan visits Broughgammon Farm

Broughgammon Farm in Ballycastle is a quick drive from Ballymena. They have recently featured in a short video. The video follows celebrity chef and food writer Donal Skehan as he visits the farm to taste their unique burgers.

 Donal Skehan is a Irish food writer, food photographer and television presenter living in Los Angeles, USA. Inspired by a family of passionate food lovers who have worked in the food industry for over 60 years, cooking and eating hearty home cooked food has always been a way of life. Growing up in Howth, Co, Dublin, he was inspired by a family of passionate food lovers who have worked successfully in the food industry for over 60 years.

In fact Donal flipped his first pancake at 4 years old. When others were out playing sports, Skehan was on the bus every Saturday, to purchase the ingredients to make dishes from the book, Encyclopedia of Chinese Cookery, a gift from his grandmother.

Years later, and a detour singing in a successful pop band that opened for The Pussycat Dolls, it was not long before he realised food was his true calling and started his popular food blog. “The Good Mood Food Blog” chronicled quick cooking dishes and the cheap meals he prepared when he first moved out of home. The blog received the award for Best Irish Food Blog in 2009. (Source)

Have a look below.

Donal Skehan visits Broughgammon Farm

Donal had never tried Goat, or Billy burgers before but as you can see he was very impressed. Broughgammon Farm have invested time and expertise into producing this unusual meat. Broughgammon Farm have written about their product:

What is goat meat like?

What does goat meat taste like? This is the most common question that we are asked at markets. Goat meat is traditionally viewed as a strong meat, however we wish to end this presumption. Our cabrito is subtle in flavour, lean and sweet. As lamb is subtle in flavour compared to mutton, cabrito is subtle in flavour compared to traditional goat. We have also found that many people who find lamb too strong in flavour and too fatty really enjoy goat as a substitute.

Have you ever tried a billy burger or had goat before? Click here to find out more information about goat at Broughgammon Farm.

ballycastleballymenabilly burgerBroughgammon Farmgoat
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