Grove Veterinary Centre using social media

At Ballymena Today we love to see local businesses using social media to communicate effectively with their customers. One example we have loved seeing is Grove Veterinary Centre using social media via their Facebook page to help pet owners find missing pets.

The speed of social media platforms can be really helpful when you or your business has worked on building a community and following.

Grove Vets posted about this ginger cat on Thursday 13th Oct and the very next day we were excited to see that the pet had been reunited with it’s owner.

How amazing is this? It’s great to see this scared little cat being reunited with it’s owner.

Build a community

We love to see social media being used well but, often you and your business or organisation has to put in consistent effort over a long period of time before you see rewards. Slowly and over time you can build a large following of people on more than one social media platform. These people will be your fans, supporters and customers.

The simplest way to do this is to tell your story, the story of your business and also to make that story helpful.

Focus on how you can bring value to those who follow you. Using Facebook to help reunite missing pets with their owners is a fantastic practical example.

Well done Grove Vets and we look forward to seeing more of the same on social media.

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