Mouth Cancer Action – Get checked

November is Mouth Cancer Action to raise awareness of mouth cancer. The aim of shining a light on this problem is that it will hopefully same lives.

This month Laura Jones Dental and Implant clinic share the following information on their Facebook page:

In the UK, more than 7,000 people were diagnosed with mouth cancer last year. The disease has grown by a third in the last decade and remains one of very few cancers which are predicted to increase further in the coming years… that’s why Mouth Cancer Action Month is so important.
For more information or to donate, please visit

What are the signs of mouth cancer?

Mouth cancer can appear in different forms and can affect all parts of the mouth, tongue and lips.

Mouth cancer can appear as a painless mouth ulcer that does not heal normally. A white or red patch in the mouth can also develop into a cancer, as can any unusual lumps or swellings.

Be mouthaware and look for changes in the mouth.

It is important to visit your dentist if these areas do not heal within three weeks.

How can mouth cancer be detected early?

Mouth cancer can often be spotted in its early stages by your dentist during a thorough mouth examination. If mouth cancer is recognised early, then the chances of a cure are good.  Many people with mouth cancer go to their dentist or doctor too late.

The dentist examines the inside of your mouth and your tongue with the help of a small mirror. Remember, your dentist is able to see parts of your mouth that you cannot see easily yourself.

If your dentist finds something unusual they will refer you to a consultant at the local hospital, who will carry out a thorough examination of your mouth and throat. A small sample of the cells may be gathered from the area (a biopsy), and these cells will be examined under the microscope to see what is wrong.

If the cells are cancerous, more tests will be carried out. These may include overall health checks, blood tests, x-rays or scans. These tests will decide what course of treatment is needed.

If mouth cancer is spotted early, the chances of a complete cure are good, and the smaller the area or ulcer the better the chance of a cure.

However, too many people come forward too late, because they do not visit their dentist for regular examinations. (Source) 

Laura Jones Dental have been offering a free screening event for any one who would like their mouth checked. You don’t need to be a patient with them Follow them on Facebook for details or ring the practice on 028 25656703. Otherwise please ask your dentist the next time you have an appointment.

Please share this blog post with anyone you know who is heading to the dentist soon. Ballymena Today – Share the Conversation.



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