Twice The Love is Needed at Dogs Trust Ballymena

Twice the love is needed at Dogs Trust Ballymena for a pair of canine gentle giants! The pair who are currently residents at the Ballymena Rehoming Centre are looking for a new home together. One is Ozzie, a St Bernard with hearing difficulties and his companion Millie who is a Labrador. Read the full story of Ozzie and Millie below.

‘Dogs Trust Ballymena in search of a big home with a big heart for two big pooches.

Two canine companions at Dogs Trust Ballymena are hoping to find a loving home with owners who believe a dog is for life and give them both a home. St Bernard, Ozzie and Labrador Millie, aged between two and three, are an unusual combination but they have been great friends most of their lives.

Ozzie doesn’t have the best hearing so occasionally looks to Millie for guidance but even without this support, they are the best of friends and dote on each other.

Twice the love is needed at Dogs Trust Ballymena for Ozzie and Millie.

Oonagh Phillips, Rehoming Centre Manager at Dogs Trust Ballymena, said:

“These playful pooches are looking for an active home as they enjoy going for walks and staying physically and mentally stimulated. Due to their size we would recommend any children in the home be over 12 years old but both love kids.

“We understand taking on two dogs is much more of a responsibility than re-homing one. We would definitely suggest that families give a lot of consideration to whether two dogs can fit into their life. Two dogs means double the amount of care and attention needed, as well as the amount of food. But they are a fantastic pair of dogs who will make very rewarding pets in the right homes.”

Ozzie and Millie both love meeting new people and are eager to learn new tricks for treats. Do you believe you have what it takes to give these gentle giants the home they need? Then please get in touch with the team at Dogs Trust Ballymena on 0300 303 0292 or visit the website here.

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