Love Books? We need you – Ballymena Today Book Club

Book Clubs are a great excuse to fill your house with friends and have a great night. Not only do they encourage you to read more they also get you out of the house, and push you out of your reading comfort zones. Even if is disliked a book while I was reading it, discussing the book always gives me a different view and adds to the enjoyment.

That is why here at Ballymena Today we are launching our very own book club – Here is how it will work.

Love Books? We need you – Ballymena Today Book Club

Each month we will suggest a title to read, and a few weeks later we will provide information, talking points and questions about it. That way you can follow along on your own at home as part of the Ballymena.Today online community, or even better you could have your friends over.

Or the very best idea, and the one we would love you to do is to arrange a time and meet in a local coffee shop and enjoy your book chat over coffee and a wee bun! It’s a WIN WIN.

The books we chose will be a combination of topics, styles and authors. Like any good book club you may be asked to read something that you would never normally pick up – and that’s ok! You can keep up with us, reading a book per month. Or take your time and visit our archives to get the most out of the book you are reading.


So grab your friends and get ready to pick up our first read. Here are a few clues – it is a thriller, it is funny and it spawned one of the biggest tv hits of 2017!

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