Page 8 - Prospectus Sept 2021
P. 8


         Pastoral care is the        the individual year          Even though we have         standards in a com-
         vehicle for learning        group: for example,          a pupil community           petitive but sup-
         and its quality is a        the Head of Year 8           nearing 900 we be-          portive way.
         priority for the            will focus on the In-        lieve we are small
         school.  Good pasto-        duction and Pastoral         enough within our           The School Council
         ral care grows out of       Care of all incoming         class settings to nur-      enables pupils to
         quality relationships       Year 8 pupils and en-        ture, encourage and         have a voice in all
         between staff and           sure their learning is       care for each pupil         that happens to, and
         pupils.  To this end,       on track.  Heads of          whilst on their educa-      for, them in the
         pupils are encour-          Year will closely mon-       tional journey.             school setting.  Pupils
         aged to approach any        itor academic pro-                                       who achieve out-
         member of staff.            gress, welfare and           The Personal Devel-         standing success re-
         However, for good           discipline of each           opment Programme            ceive Honours
         organisation, a formal      child within their year      is delivered by a core      Awards at the end of
         structure exists.           group.                       team with specialist        each Key Stage.

         Each class has a Reg-
         istration Tutor who is
         responsible for the
         initial pastoral care of
         the pupils in that
         class.  The Registra-
         tion Tutor meets with
         the class every day
         for roll call and is the
         first point of contact
         for support, advice or
         minor concerns.

         Each year group is
         the responsibility of a
         Head of Year and As-
         sistant Head of Year,     Pupils are well motivated, engage actively in learning and have a confident, positive demeanour; they set
         with special interest     personal targets, with the help of the teachers, which support their learning well and help them to make
                                   progress. They develop very well as articulate, independent learners; the senior pupils provide good
         and expertise in          leadership to younger pupils through, for example, mentoring support.
         matters relating to
                                                                  training at Key Stages
                                                                  3, 4 and 5.  Prefects       All matters of Pasto-
                                                                  and Peer Mentors are        ral Care are overseen
                                                                  trained to support          by Pastoral Directors
                                                                  younger pupils and          for Junior and Senior
                                                                  provide an important        school, who liaise
 The completion of homework is a very important part of the teaching programme.  Homework is regularly   thread in the pastoral   closely with the Stra-
 s assessment record. Parents are encouraged to discuss home-
 work with their children and sign the daily planner.  Failure to complete homework without a valid reason   programme.     tegic Leadership
 will be treated seriously.  Pupils are expected to maintain a daily Learning Journal to help them personally      Team and the Princi-
 manage their learning and share their learning at home in a consistent way.  Pupils are also able to opt in to   The House System   pal.
 after school clubs, coursework clinics, booster classes and extension homework to motivate fast track stu-  encourages pupils to

                                                                  work towards high

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