Page 12 - Bellfort Magazine 2019
P. 12

Thirty-seven   shoeboxes     were  difference, not only in Ballymena,  funding stream, contributing to a
          packed  this  year  by  enthusiastic                                   Cluster Group of schools in Bally-
          Form  Classes,  and  £100  donated                                     mena.  As part of this initiative, a
          alongside,  for  the  Samaritan’s                                      delicious  breakfast  club  runs  in
          Purse Shoebox Appeal.                                                  school  every  morning,  free  of
                                                                                 charge  to  pupils,  and  consists  of

                                                                                 hot  and  cold  food  –  providing  a
          Following  on  from  our  historical                                   warm  and  welcoming  start  to
          Mission Trips to an orphanage in   but across the world.               every school day.
          Moldova,  and  our  humanitarian

          work  with  Camps  International
          last year in Kenya, a team is pres- We  continue  in  our  commitment
          ently working in the slums of Del- to  Shared  Education,  collaborat-
          hi with ASHA, under the guidance  ing  within  and  beyond  the  class-
                                             room in a range of curricular and
                                             enrichment  links,  specifically  in
                                             PE,  LLW,  History,  Maths  &  Sci-
                                             ence.   Now in Year 4 of this pro-
                                             gramme, the college is able in fact
                                             to  demonstrate  sharing  which
                                             goes  back  some  12  years  within
          of Mrs Alexander and Mr Burnett.   the Ballymena Learning Together

                                             community and specifically St Pat-
          They will see poverty and depriva-
                                             rick’s College. I was disappointed  A  number  of  students  gave  re-
          tion  that  will  live  with  them  for
                                             to  hear  the  Eti  suggesting  that  ports on core areas of enrichment
          ever  and  no  doubt  they  will  be
                                             schools  were  not  doing  enough  in the college: the student voice,
          changed from within as a result of
                                             to deal with difficult issues or con- including  the  Honours  system,
          the  visit.   They  will  also  take  the
                                             troversy.    I  think  we  can  confi- House system and student leader-
          money  our  students  raised,  our
                                             dently  promise  that  that  will  in- ship;    Art;  Technology;  Scripture
          prayers and pledges of support to
                                             deed  continue  to  be  the  case.  Union;    The  ski  trip;  The  school
          those in need.  We are extremely
                                             Shared Education is about exactly  show  and  wide  range  of  Drama
          proud of every one of them:  Jack
                                             that  –  sharing  education,  living  and  Music  within  the  school  as
          Francey,  James  Fullerton,  John
                                             and learning alongside one anoth- well  as  a  round  of  significant
          Wilson, Ellie Clyde, Krystyn Chan,
                                             er,  aware  of  our  differences  not  sporting  achievement  for  both
          Sarah  Christie,  Nicola  Kernohan,
                                             trying to pretend they don’t exist,  girls and boys.
          Rachel Owens and our Head Girl,
                                             not  trying  to  sort  them  all  out  –
          Jessica O’Neill who is missing her
                                             just  getting  on  with  the  job  and
          duties at Prize Day today, to fulfil
                                             setting  an  example  even  to  our
          this even greater task.
                                             politicians and our society.

          In  the  summer  to  come,  yet  an-
                                             We continue to participate in the
          other  trip  to  Kenya  will  be  held
                                             Extended  Schools  programme
          under  the  auspices  of  Camps  In-
                                             and have extended our links with
          ternational  ….  and  so  Dunclug
                                             Primary  Schools  through  this
          College  is  seeking  to  make  a
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