Page 13 - Bellfort Magazine 2019
P. 13

Rugby  in  particular  was  a  huge                                     new  day, a  new  way  to  create  a
         focus  with  the  presentations  of                                     world  we’re  worthy  of…..    from
         School  Caps  in  black  and  gold,
                                                                                 today.  We’re  building  a  school  –
         adorned  with  the  College  motto;
                                                                                 but  we’re  also  building  destinies
         Ad  Vitam Paramus  –  which  were
                                                                                 and characters. As the writer Art
         presented  to  thunderous  ap-
         plause  to  the  ten  boys  who                                         Williams said, “Success is no acci-
         played for Ballymena Rugby Club                                         dent.  It  is  hard  work,  persever-
         and excelled in The Ulster Carpets                                      ance,  sacrifice  and  most  of  all,
         U14  competition,  winning  in  fine                                    love of what you are learning”.
         style in a tightly fought final with
         Virginia at Kingspan!  Captain Jack
         French, as he led his team to vic-                                      So  let  us  take  courage  from  the
         tory  under  the  watchful  eye  of                                     year  that  has  gone  and  go  for-
         the  Ballymena,  Ireland  and  Lions                                    ward one step at a time.   I can’t
         Legend, Sid Millar.                                                     tell you it's going to be easy, but I

                                                                                 can  promise  you  it's  going  to be
                                                                                 worth it!
         In  conclusion  –  we  remain  com-

         mitted to the best possible provi- we look back to the past thankful
         sion for the children in our care, in  for all that has been achieved, but

         and out of the classroom, on and  we  also  look  forward  -  and  up-
         off  the  stage  or  pitch!    School  is  wards  for  that  inspiration  only
         not a building but a culture, a de- God can give.  With our new plans

         termined  and  committed  team.  for the future, we’re moving into,

         As  our  school  song  reminds  us,  as  the  choir  sang  at  the  start:  ‘a

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