This week lots of kids and teenagers are enjoying some time off school. Unfortunately for many young people this doesn’t necessarily mean that they will get a break from nasty comments, upset and bullying. Bullying can be carried out face to face or through cyberspace meaning that when school is shut there is no relief from the bullies.

The Anti-bullying Alliance has released an Interactive Anti-Bullying Parent Information Tool. The online tool gives parents lots of useful information which might help them if they are worried about their child.

Bullying during the school holidays 2

Above are a few illustrations from the Information Tool. To access the Bullying information please click here.

The Times has reported that:

Almost a quarter of 12 to 16-year-olds spend more than five hours a day online during the school holidays, while averaging just over an hour during term time.

Some 20 per cent admitted interacting with strangers online — and 25 per cent said they had witnessed cyber bullying.

With that in mind it is vital that parents understand how to talk to their children about the topic of bullying. Hopefully this inline tool will help you to be informed an can give you a good conversation starter with your child.