Going back to school is just around the corner and here at Ballymena Today we want to give you some help and tips to get ready for the big day. One thing which can be a worry, especially for teenagers, can be getting your skin into a good condition and ready to face everyone on your first day. Here are our tips for getting your skin prepared to go back to school.

Photo by Olly Joy on Unsplash
Schools Ballymena – Back to school skincare
1/ Tame your tan. You might have been on holiday or been out in the sun this summer and this sometimes can dry out your skin. The best thing to do is use a gentle exfoliator to remove any dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling fresh and new. If you have been fake tanning then now is the time to stop – no one wants to return to school with an orange face!
2/ Eat to treat your skin. Holidays can be a brilliant time to enjoy long dinners and meals are often out of your usual routine. This can all impact on your skin. Before you start back to school make sure that you are adding some fruit and vegetables to your snacks and meals. Don’t cut anything out completely but slow down on sugary sweets and treats which can trigger acne and spots.
3/ Deal with any spots. Spots can be triggered by hormones, food, and lots of different things and if your acne isn’t clearing up on its own then book an appointment with your doctor. They will be able to give you advice and help you tame your spots. They can suggest treatments and help. Get on top of things now before school starts. One of the worst things that you can do with spots is cover them with heavy make up so get help now and your skin might be clearing up by the start of school.
4/ Keep clean. Sort out a basic skin care regime. Wash your face with a gentle soap and find a moisturiser that suits your skin type. If you regularly wear make up then check through your favourite for anything that has been hanging around for too long. As a rule follow this information:
- Eyeliner: 6 months to 1 year. …
- Mascara: 3-6 months. …
- Blush, eye shadow, and other powder cosmetics: 1-2 years. …
- Foundation: 6 months to 2 years. …
- Lipstick: 2 years.
And don’t forget to clean your brushes. Wash them with hot soapy water to make sure that you aren’t transferring bacteria from your products to your face.
5/ Relax. Stress and anxiety can trigger so do your best not to panic about starting back to school. If you are feeling anxious or worried about it then talk to someone. If you don’t feel like you can talk to your parents then speak to a friend or you can also get support from Childline on 0800 1111. Click here to visit the Childline website.
Hopefully these tips have given your some ideas for how you can get your skin in shipshape order for heading back to school.