Lol, who hasn’t heard that in the last week. Ruairí McSorley is officially an internet hit! If you haven’t here is the offending clip from UTV:

So, since the temperature has dropped and we could (in extreme conditions) be facing frost bite here are the Ballymena Today tips to keeping warm this winter.

  • Grab you hot water bottle – only fill it three quarters full and never use boiling water. Boil the kettle and alway add some cold water. (Featured Image: Rosmary; Creative commons).
  • Warm several thin layers rather than a few thick layers – that way more warm air gets trapped against your body.
  • Invest in an electric blanket – we imagine that sales of electric blankets are up in this week – here is a good website which tells you how to choose a good one.
  • Increase your tog – Click here to find out how heavy your duvet should be.
  • Go for clothes made from wool, cotton or fleecy fabrics. And put a hat on – we lose most of our body head through our heads.
  • Get up and get active – bundle up in your winter coats and get out for a brisk walk. We guarantee that when you get back indoors you will feel a lot warmer.

Don’t get frost-bit this January. Thanks Ruairí.